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Debatt i Lund: Publish or protest ­– should climate scientists be activists?

Illustration med en man med megafon, universitetshuset etc.

"Listen to the scientists”, says Greta Thunberg. But what happens if that's just not enough? Climate researchers are facing a dilemma: should they let their work speak for itself, or must they take to the barricades?

Does activism among scientists impact the credibility of their results? Some people claim that civil disobedience among researchers brings much needed attention to the climate emergency. Others that it only makes people angry and takes away focus from the crucial work that has to be done.

The moderator is journalist Lars Mogensen.

Tid och plats: 8 maj, klockan 19, Grand hotel, Stora salen, Bantorget 1, Lund.

Seminariet hålls på engelska.

Welcome to Debatt i Lund where we discuss researchers as climate activists. 

Läs mer i kalendariet: Debatt i Lund: Publish or protest ­– should climate scientists be activists? | Lunds universitet